Pyroclasm: Hero Highlight – Warlock + Fire Mage | Ascension Classless WoW

Posted by Kaladin

Date: April 6, 2021

Categories: Announcements

Combine the might of Destruction Warlock with the fiery wrath of the Fire Mage: become a Pyroclasm! This incredible build uses Soul Fire and Pyroblast to deal devastating single target DPS and burn enemies to cinders. With the Consumed by Fire mystic enchantment, your Pyroblast refreshes the duration of your Corruption on the target, meaning you can benefit from both the Eradication and Molten Core warlock talents. It also causes your Soul Fire to proc the Mage’s Hot Streak talent, meaning you can lob off instant Pyroblasts to really get your enemies burning!

Try the Pyroclasm on Ascension Classless WoW today!

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