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Realmlist: set realmlist hu.logon.tauri.hu
Discord: https://discord.gg/Mw76VSU
Realm Description
Tauri WoW’s Crystalsong is a blizzlike international WotLK private server.
TauriWoW Project has launched their new Blizzlike realm named Crystalsong recently. X1 XP rate is active untill all class/race Realm First achievement are completed, afterwards you can set your XP rate between x1 to x7. Realm is going to progress to move on to later expansions till Legion in future. Population is over 2000 players actively.
set realmlist hu.logon.tauri.hu
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Just a heads up for anyone looking for a PVE realm. Crystalsong on Tauri is not PVE. Despite DKPMinus listing it as PVE, and even Tauri’s own realm status page listing it as PVE, it’s actually PVP. This was confimed by in game players as well as a mod in their IRC channel. This listing should be updated to show it as a PVP realm.
Just an edit for the comment above.
The team at Tauri have updated their realm status page to reflect Crystalsong as a PVP server.
How is the server otherwise? Better/worse than Warmane ?
Warmane is 100/100 Better than this
Warmane is also a decent server, but they are stuck in WotLK for years. They have also some shady practises with population faking, but it’s a good WotLK server. This one just fills a different niche, with the Cata progression and also their top-quality MoP server.
In terms of scripting they are well beyond anything else, warmane is plagued with bugs and custom balance changes and it has been since they bought old arena tournament.
If you’re looking for an experience as close to retail wotlk as possible this is your choice.
Wrost community, Bad GMs with the worst decisions, If you want to join a TOXIC community, Welcome.
Disastrous server launch. The Hungarian community can be very toxic sometimes. However, the devs put a lot of effort even after all the criticism that they took, and they seem to have fixed most of the issues with the server. There are some great guilds on the international community, so if you try well enough you can find a nice welcoming place to stay.
Looks promising in the future, will progress to Cata and Mop (and they do have the scripted core for those expansions. Great for staying in the long term.
Toxic community.
Some GM supported progress guild act like gods.
Wierd custom thinga.
DBM not working, bosses have custom tactics.
Some Tauri fans will always lie about how well svripted the paladin class here.
To add to the previous:
The realm is pretty much dead: right now, on Thursday, 6pm, there’s about 20 players online.
The online count does not exceed about 50 on weekends/peak times.
The most I have seen during the last few months was about 160 in the evening, and even that happened like twice.