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Realm Description
Light’s Vengeance is an upcoming TBC server with staff comprised of the team from Symmetry WoW, the Vengeance WoW team, and also the Light’s Hope vanilla staff who are interested in progressing into TBC emulation.
The TBC core will be public cMaNGOS and improvements still being made by the Vengeance devs, who are all moving into the new Light’s Vengeance team.
Light’s Vengeance is a new project. At the moment the previous plans of the respective projects who are merging have currently not changed. This means Vengeance, as Light’s Vengeance, still intends to release Stormspire PvE i58/PTE TBC in early Summer, and the Light’s Hope project still intends to shut down their Vanilla servers following the release of classic.
More details for those interested in Stormspire will be available soon.
A PvP TBC server under the Light’s Vengeance project will be made at a later date (currently tentatively end of 2019; more details to come).
Character transfers will still be made available from the Light’s Hope realms at time of shutdown to be transferred to other servers. Light’s Vengeance intends to set up a vanilla server that PvP characters interested in PTE can transfer character data to while awaiting Light’s Vengeance PvP TBC. It will not be a F R E S H server (sorry, kids).
Light’s Vengeance News