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Realmlist: SET portal "login.wowmythic.com"
Discord: https://discord.gg/5cHNW6v5Ed
Realm Description
Greetings! we are on the brink of something great; a new legion server.
Here’s some information about our server:
-25x XP rate so you can join the fight against the burning legion faster than ever!
– NO gear donations (you may still donate for mounts(even custom ones!), pets , mounts , morphs etc etc
-Active & english/spanish speaking staff
– stackable & instant cast artifact power, no more waiting for the cast bar to finish to increase your power!
-legendary droprate 2x (possiblity of increasing it further during special event weekends)
-fast bug fixed
– 7.3.5 client but content locked to 7.0.3
-fast patch cycles (3-4 months per patch!)
-a discord server to hangout with your friends and talk about all things wow
So what are you waiting for? Join our fight against the burning legion & vanquish them all!
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Great server! Devs done really good work scripting it, even old legacy raids are well scripted so getting tmogs is not a problem. If there are any bugs, they are being fixed on the go. GMs doing gods work to help everyone out and it feels like the care. I just wish it would get more traction as it is really worth while. 5/5
Also you get free one time 100lvl with fastest flying, WQ unlocked and stuff.
i dont know what this guy talking about this server had tons of bugs they need to spend 10 years to fix the bugs on it tbh