Layering – Apollo II

Posted by bezza

Date: April 18, 2020

Categories: Private Servers

Dear community,

since the last 2-3 weeks we are working on a solution to improve the server performance to a point where basically no population based queue is needed anymore and things like server sided lags should be history.

The solution for that is “layering”. You can find all available information about layering here:
Layering will be a temporary solution to the current situation and will be disabled again once it is not needed anymore.

Today we could finish our internal testing and we reached a point where we now need a “population” to determine the functionality. Since we are the first private server to ever implement such a mechanic, there is not much data available. Therefore we will need YOU to help us with that and getting rid of the long queue times in the evening.

Tomorrow 19.04.2020 at 17:00 server time, we want to invite everyone of you to join us on the PTR and test this new feature. Information of what needs to be tested can also be found on the website linked above. Please make sure to report any issues you find here:

We will need as many people as possible to make sure that the implementation of layering will cause no issues for your gaming experience. The more people take part in this testing, the faster you will have no queues anymore. 🙂

Your Apollo Team

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