Anub’Rekhan Solo Video | SoloCraft – x3 Blizzlike with PlayerBots & BattleBots

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Date: January 10, 2023

Categories: Announcements

Watch video: Anub’Rekhan Solo

SoloCraft is a blizzlike (3x XP) vanilla server with limited custom features such as PlayerBots and BattleBots.

Our server is running on a dedicated linux server based on vMaNGOS.

The XP and profession rates are set to 3x. Each character is able to learn all professions.

PlayerBots are designed for questing, levelling, dungeons, raids and BattleGrounds.
AI companions will adjust their level to yours and will auto equip pre-set gear according to their level.

You are able to spawn PlayerBots from level 1-60 by using the commands or from our addon.
Once you are level 60, you will spawn BiS T3 Bots in raids and Pre-BiS Bots in dungeons and open world.

BattleBots are smart AI companions playing like a regular players, buffing, healing, fighting, doing objectives, capping flags and taking and defending bases at battlegrounds.

You will learn all flight paths once you create a character.
Mail delivery delay is reduced to 5 mins instead of 60 mins which will speed up all transactions.

Crossfaction chat, party and guilds are enabled.

The Auction house is always filled with items for a fair price which will not affect the server economy.

If you would like to twink, you can simply lock and unlock your XP from the NPC “Twinker” located at Stormwind & Orgrimmar.

All raids are unlocked and attunements are removed.

Our main goal is to have fun while you can play safely!

Download our PCP (PartyBot Command Panel) Addon for easy access here.

Player Commands List can be found here.


Have fun!

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