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Extremely progressive
*We intend to stagger the release of content in steps starting with level caps set at 19, 29, 39, etc. In addition to this, we will be releasing raid tiers and seasons in a Blizzlike fashion over time. This is so that we can collect bug reports and work on fixing every tier of the game so as to further the development of AzerothCore. You can read more about our progression HERE

Chromie is one of the Bronze Dragonflight blessed by Aman’thul with the power of protecting the timelines. But she’s also a gnome and she likes to play with …”tools”. Therefore, she created this “temporal discombobulator” to allows people travelling between eras (our expansions) to enjoy the old time. The peculiarity of this tool is that it creates an immutable timeline, that’s the reason why its events continue to happen over and over again (for instance, when you kill a boss).
However, this time behind the decisions of letting the Azerothian people travelling back to the Lich King era, there’s the willing of the dragon aspects to figure out the source of a terrible dark energy that has been detected the first time in the range of time between the passage of the Lich King crown to Arthas until his defeat. To figure out what’s behind that dark energy we have to travel step by step through the entire storyline, again!
However, this time behind the decisions of letting the Azerothian people travelling back to the Lich King era, there’s the willing of the dragon aspects to figure out the source of a terrible dark energy that has been detected the first time in the range of time between the passage of the Lich King crown to Arthas until his defeat. To figure out what’s behind that dark energy we have to travel step by step through the entire storyline, again!
ChromieCraft News
Warning. Unprofessional GMs chatting in world chat, muting, bullying and banning people. Not worth the risk!
Totally untrue
That’s why you have 26 downvotes? You’re probably one of the staff members/donors/contributors/subscribers etc. That server is 100% trash, never been so insulted and annoying in my life. I literally saw several GMs talk in world chat, making jokes about straight males and other woke mental denegarations.
online about 500-1000 while PTR
Good people and staff, friendly environment
Most of the staff members are friendly and nice, but some of them feel like they came from warmane. However, I totally recommend this server as in its current bracket capped at level 59 the server is quite stable and always 500-1000 people daily.
Warning: gms are power hungry cucks that can’t have their “decisions” questioned, you can even get a perma ban if they find you “unfit”… totally fascists. Wouldn’t recomend this server to anyone. Community is okaysh in the first levels, but as you level up to 25+, they are worst than the worst warmane “pro players” and will try to take away all your joy from rdfing and even sometimes questing. Just go to some server already stablished and save yourself the time and the headaches.
The mobs in the instances are particularly buggy. The server is laggier than average. And yes, the GMs here are ban happy here. Some servers allow you to talk politics in world. Talking the wrong politics on Chromie can get you banned permanently. This is based on a witnessing a chat that ended with a GM saying “you won’t be seeing him again”.
Really fun project . If you are looking to raid old content that is challenging and well scripted then this is the right place for you.
You will be amazed by how low progressed this server is so you can have all the time in the wold to enjoy each and every bit of the game ,as for The overall environment its very welcoming and friendly.
I totally recommed it if you are looking for a new wow expirience or just to have fun with friends.
Anyone has a faster download link for 3.3.5a for MAC? I’m pulling with the magnet and it’ll be like next year… one person seeding an and off like really slow.
verry nice server, an experience you will really enjoy. friendly staff and a great comunity
current max lev is 64 and soon will be 69. a progressive server.
population is about 500-700 people.
would be great to reach 1000, lets do this!
Bad development, GM with power thrist abuse, Content Is not even extremely Progressive, Devs dont even know what they are doing, Flip flop 24/7, to late bug fix.
Not recommended
started playing since 2023 apr. good server for retirement! support open source!
Sh*ty Server
Scripting is dumb and you will find out soon that Devs just s*ck.
No wonder why its population was getting lower and 650 at peak.
Tanking is another problem and something is wrong with their aggro or pulling system and I exactly remember pulling 2 mobs with “Avenger’s Shield” and they suddenly dropped my threat and attacked the healer and he didn’t cast any spells or even hots and i had RF and everything was normal and i just said WTF!?
Scripting is f*cked up and there was a time that i couldn’t res my own ally mate when he was released and this happens so often.
There are lots of bugs such as you cant talk to NPC bug(you click them and nothing happens) and it really gets on your nerves cus it triggers a lot.
server can get laggy af and off for 4h or more.
I test every server with their GMs from how their talk and their response and these comments were true I wish I would do that earlier and their response was “your account has been temporarily suspended”.
community was mostly nice but sadly they are wasting their time here.
Los system is the only thing that works fine there.
had fun playing 29 and 39 brackets.
Awful staff – mute and ban for vaguely breaking their rules via worldchat/discord – scripting is poor for raids usually taking 6 months to make it blizzlike – pop is low
Probably the worst scripted WotLK private server I’ve played since 2009. It took me a few weeks to figure out what’s going on, but it seems like AzerothCore is a bad joke, the admins don’t know how to script what they just copied from other Trinity databases, and the core mechanics don’t work as they should ( they are cheap replicas worse than any Mangos server since 2009).
There is almost no configuration for leashing. There is almost no path finding or texture setup (you can fall through the map for almost any reason possible).
I haven’t seen a server with so many issues reported on github in so long, but nothing gets fixed properly – and when it does, 10 other bugs pop up instead.
Most of the management are abusive, mentally retarded people who will shut your mouth for absolutely any highlighting of the problems, unprofessionalism, their woke agenda and all the lies they feed their community.
Most classes have completely inadequate talents, nothing blizzlike on this server.
Avoid this server for your health and nerves.