Vanity Items
Realmlist: SET realmList "logon.classic-plus.com"
Discord: https://discord.gg/mdaCrSKD7r
Realm Description
Inspired by Season of Discovery
- Server name: WoW Classic Plus
- Realm name: Ashbringer
- Realm type: Normal
- Vision: Classic / Vanilla+ player experience
- Client: World of Warcraft – Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a build: 12340
- With HD patches – WOTLK/BC disabled
- Custom: Maps, quests, items, professions, dungeons, raids, spells, and more…
- All custom content aims to function in a blizzlike manner and add to our vision of a classic+ experience
- Max level: 25
- All rates: Blizzlike x1
- Cross-faction interaction
- All factions and races start in the same custom leveling area, with pvp disabled.
- High performance bare-metal server infrastructure
Our custom-built runes system takes care of some of the limiting factors of “max level 25”, like SOD does on retail. You’ll discover class-specific runes as you venture through the world, These can be applied to various armor slots. The system is functional and working as intended, but is not yet completely finished UI wise. I hope you’ll bear with us on the UI side of things.
Every main profession has at least 1 unique item that they can craft from various materials. Plus end-game recipes that can be aquired through gameplay, to craft high-level BIS items.
We’ve added “Realm First!.. ” achievements with appropriate requirements for max level 25 and max profession skill 225.
Talents are mostly stock, but many of the ones past level 25 requirement have been added as Runes instead and modified to suit level 25. So yes, your Shaman will have access to Riptide, Paladins can get Crusader Strike, Priests can get Dispersion and Shadowform, etc, etc..
The main starting location and quest hub takes place on the custom map of Mythia, originally created by Amaroth from MC-Net and later shared by Reznik. We have of course had to put quite a few hours into making it complete and playable. There is another custom end-game map in development which will be released in the future.
Once all of the Realm First leveling achievements have been awarded, we will implement a feature to let players decide whether they want to level up through our custom content or go the Blizzlike route instead.
- As of writing this the released dungeons are:
- Deadmines
- Wailing Caverns
- Shadowfang Keep
- Blackfathom Depths
- Stormwind Stockade
- Razorfen Kraul
- Gnomeregan
To be released (lvl 25):
- Archipelago of the Damned (10-man raid)
- Scarlet Monastery (dungeon)
- Maraudon (10-man raid)
I am not trying to convince you to start playing on our server as opposed to any other. That is completely up to you based on what you’re looking for in a private server. But I will recommend that you at least take a look, see what we’ve done in-game and perhaps it’s something you’d actually be interested in – Maybe you’ll even love it.
Fingers corssed that we’ll see you in Mythia!
Classic Plus – SoD News
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