This achievement requires you to /love a list of critters. It awards 10 achievement points.
Macros are very helpful for this achievement because the critters are small and sometimes hard to find. Your macro should say:
/target Squirrel
/stopmacro [noexists]
Then simply change the name of the critter in your macro when you’re moving on.
- Begin in Stormwind and take the portal to Tol Barad.
- You will find both the Sassy Cat and the Wharf Rat in and around Rustberg Village.
- Travel south into the PvP Zone. Upon entering the zone you will find a Baradin Fox Kit to the east near Ironclad Garrison.
- Return to Stormwind.
- Take the portal to the Twilight Highlands and fly to the Crucible of Carnage.
- Around the Crucible you’ll find a Rattlesnake and a Yellow-Bellied Marmot.
- Fly northward to the Vermillion Redoubt where you will find a Highlands Turkey.
- Return to Stormwind.
- Take the portal to Vashj’ir and travel to the Silver Tide Hollow in the Shimmering Expanse.
- On the sea floor near the naga ruins you will find both the Sea Cucumber and the Rockchewer Whelk.
- Return to Stormwind and take the portal to Mount Hyjal.
- You can find Alpine Chipmunks all around Nordrassil.
- Northeast of the Circle of Cinders is the Hyjal Barrow Den cave entrance. Just inside you’ll find a Grotto Vole.
- Travel southeast to the Seat of the Chosen where you will find a Rock Viper.
- Travel to Uldum by either returning to Stormwind and taking the portal or just flying south.
- Circle the lake south of Ramkahen and you will find the Oasis Moth and the Mac Frog.
- Begin in Orgrimmar and take the portal to Tol Barad.
- You will find both the Sassy Cat and the Wharf Rat in and around Rustberg Village.
- Travel south into the PvP Zone. Upon entering the zone you will find a Baradin Fox Kit to the east near Ironclad Garrison.
- Return to Orgrimmar.
- Take the portal to the Twilight Highlands and fly to the Crucible of Carnage.
- Around the Crucible you’ll find a Rattlesnake and a Yellow-Bellied Marmot.
- Fly northward to the Vermillion Redoubt where you will find a Highlands Turkey.
- Return to Orgrimmar.
- Take the portal to Vashj’ir and travel to the Silver Tide Hollow in the Shimmering Expanse.
- On the sea floor near the naga ruins you will find both the Sea Cucumber and the Rockchewer Whelk.
- Return to Orgrimmar and take the portal to Mount Hyjal.
- You can find Alpine Chipmunks all around Nordrassil.
- Northeast of the Circle of Cinders is the Hyjal Barrow Den cave entrance. Just inside you’ll find a Grotto Vole.
- Travel southeast to the Seat of the Chosen where you will find a Rock Viper.
- Travel to Uldum by either returning to Orgrimmar and taking the portal or just flying south.
- Circle the lake south of Ramkahen and you will find the Oasis Moth and the Mac Frog.