This Achievement requires you to sample 50 different foods. It awards 10 achievement points.
Note: I highly recommend doing this achievement at the same time you do the It’s Happy Hour Somewhere achievement.
From Innkeeper Allison, Trade District, Stormwind (22)
- Tough Hunk of Bread
- Freshly Baked Bread
- Moist Cornbread
- Mulgore Spice Bread
- Soft Banana Bread
- Homemade Cherry Pie
- Mag’har Grainbread
- Crusty Flatbread
- Sweet Potato Bread
- Pine Nut Bread
- Buttery Wheat Roll
- Shiny Red Apple
- Tel’Abim Banana
- Snapvine Watermelon
- Goldenbark Apple
- Moon Harvest Pumpkin
- Deep Fried Plantains
- Skethyl Berries
- Tundra Berries
- Savory Snowplum
- Sour Green Apple
- Highland Pomegranate
From Elaine Trias, Trade District, Stormwind (11)
- Darnassian Bleu
- Dalaran Sharp
- Dwarven Mild
- Stormwind Brie
- Fine Aged Cheddar
- Alterac Swiss
- Garadar Sharp
- Sour Goat Cheese
- Briny Hardcheese
- Smoked String Cheese
- Highland Sheep Cheese
From Maegan Tillman, Dwarven District, Stormwind (11)
- Forest Mushroom Cap
- Red-Speckled Mushroom
- Spongy Morel
- Delicious Cave Mold
- Raw Black Truffle
- Dried King Bolete
- Zangar Caps
- Honey-Spiced Lichen
- Sparkling Frostcap
- Violet Morel
- Scarlet Polypore
From Toddrick, Goldshire, Elwynn Forest (6)
- Tough Jerky
- Haunch of Meat
- Mutton Chop
- Wild Hog Shank
- Cured Ham Steak
- Roasted Quail
Approx Time: 10 minutes
Approx Total: < 10 gold
From Innkeeper Gryshka,Valley of Strength, Orgrimmar (22)
Tough Jerky
- Haunch of Meat
- Mutton Chop
- Wild Hog Shank
- Cured Ham Steak
- Roasted Quail
- Smoked Talbuk Venison
- Salted Venison
- Mead Basted Caribou
- Roasted Beef
- Massive Turkey Leg
- Tough Hunk of Bread
- Freshly Baked Bread
- Moist Cornbread
- Mulgore Spice Bread
- Soft Banana Bread
- Homemade Cherry Pie
- Mag’har Grainbread
- Crusty Flatbread
- Sweet Potato Bread
- Pine Nut Bread
- Buttery Wheat Roll
From Miwana, Valley of Wisdom, Orgrimmar (11)
- Darnassian Bleu
- Dalaran Sharp
- Dwarven Mild
- Stormwind Brie
- Fine Aged Cheddar
- Alterac Swiss
- Garadar Sharp
- Sour Goat Cheese
- Briny Hardcheese
- Smoked String Cheese
- Highland Sheep Cheese
From Kor’jus, Cleft of Shadow, Orgrimmar (11)
- Forest Mushroom Cap
- Red-Speckled Mushroom
- Spongy Morel
- Delicious Cave Mold
- Raw Black Truffle
- Dried King Bolete
- Zangar Caps
- Honey-Spiced Lichen
- Sparkling Frostcap
- Violet Morel
- Scarlet Polypore
From Batamsi, Valley of Spirits, Orgrimmar (6)
- Slitherskin Mackerel
- Longjaw Mud Snapper
- Bristle Whisker Catfish
- Rockscale Cod
- Striped Yellowtail
- Spinefin Halibut
Approx Time: 10 minutes
Approx Total: < 10 gold